Zeel brings on-demand wellness to your home, hotel, or workplace
How many times have you wished you just could get a massage? Your calendar is full, and it's hard to focus on self care when it's another thing on your to-do list. What if wellness services could come to your door - within an hour?
Using Zeel, you can book a treatment on-demand to you doorstep, right through the app. You're educated on what type of massage is right for your needs, and can personalize all your preferences. You can quickly grab saved locations if you're traveling, add notes for your provider, easily select a date and time range, and pay with a digital wallet.
We refreshed the brand and built a design system to create consistency within the suite of products for consumers, providers, spas, and CX. This increased efficiency 10x, allowing engineering to ship new features every sprint.
The redesign improved conversion rate by 30%. Express pay options continued to increase CVR, as well as A/B tests on checkout. Adding testimonials at the moment of conversion established trust, and we continued to optimize for additional safety assurances to put both the customer and the provider at ease.